Our Shared Vision

EmbodY Love

FYC embodies the inclusive love of God / The Divine by providing an environment for all students to feel accepted and included in community. We want our Flagstaff community to be aware that FYC is a sanctuary for every middle school and high school student.

Empower Students

FYC empowers students to build meaningful relationships with Self, Others, and God / The Divine. Students will experience community that is authentic and supportive.

Equip Students

FYC equips students with tools and experiences to balance mind, body, and soul. Leaders will accompany students as they’re discovering their own faith journey.

Create Opportunities

FYC creates opportunities for students to be immersed in the stories of the world, and as a result of their experience, they participate in peacemaking and social justice.

Empower Adults

FYC empowers adults to build meaningful relationships with students. Parents, teachers, coaches, and leaders will receive support and resources to understand adolescence.

Co-labor with God

FYC is rooted in the way of Jesus: the gospel is radically inclusive, loving, and peacemaking. As we embody the inclusive love of God / The Divine, we participate with the Spirit in the healing and restoration of all things.